as a Call to Worship
in Ordinary Time
[ 3 voices ]

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The 23rd Psalm is probably the best known and best loved of all the Psalms. It is short, sweet, and full of vivid and comforting images. It assures us of God's watchful care. It speaks of our guaranteed safety and the meeting of our continuing needs. It calms our fears and dissuades our worries. Our lives are in God's hands.

But as sheep of his pasture, it also addresses our dependence and our need for God. We recognize/confess our weakness and our frailty. We admit our need for guidance and protection. The image of the shepherd and his sheep is strongly present throughout all of Scripture. Abraham, Isaac, Moses, David and Amos were all shepherds. And the New Testament portrays Jesus as the Good Shepherd in several places. And so in this reading the six verses of Psalm 23 are complemented with thematically resonant verses from other books of the Bible: Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Isaiah, and Revelation.

This reading includes an intro and an extro that make it appropriate as a call to worship: it proclaims the character of this God who is calling us to worship [the Lord our maker], and it confesses who we are that are responding [the sheep of his pasture]. For the visitor, it signals that they are in a safe place. Without the intro and extro it can serve as the reading of Scripture or in the service of confession.

Presentation time: 4 minutes

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The Reading

APeople of God
Know that the Lord is God. 
BIt is he who made us, and we are his
Cwe are his people, the sheep of his pasture. Psalm 100.3
AYes, the Lord is my good shepherd
BThe Lord God will always shepherd me
AHe holds back no good thing
CThere is nothing I lack
There is nothing that I am without
Psalm 23.1
BLeft to our own desires and longings
CWe are all sheep gone astray
BEach of us turning to our own wayIsaiah 53.6
AWe have wandered over mountain and hill
and forgotten our resting place
Jeremiah 50.6
CThe Lord is my good shepherd
AThe Lord God will always shepherd mePsalm 23.1
BHe searches for the lost and brings back the strays
AHe binds up the injured and strengthens the weakEzekiel 34.16
CHe rescues us from all the places where we were scattered
on days of cloud and darkness
BHe gathers the lambs in his arms
and carries them close to his heart
Isaiah 40.11
AThe Good Shepherd brought us out like a flock
BHe leads us through the wildernessPsalm 78.52
CHe watches over us
He neither slumbers nor sleeps
Psalm 121.4
AThe sun will not harm us by day, nor the moon by night
CHe leads us to feed and rest in rich pasturesEzekiel 34.6
BHe brings us to pools of refreshing water
Csprings of living waterPsalm 23.2b
BNever again will we hunger
Never again will we thirst
Isaiah 49.10
BThe Lord is my good shepherd
CThe Lord God will always shepherd me
AHe has compassion on me
BHe refreshes
Che restores my soul
AHe gives me strength
He renews my life
Psalm 23.3a
CHe leads me with knowledge and understandingJeremiah 3.15
AHe leads me on the path to righteousness
He keeps me true to his ways of making right
Psalm 23.3b
BHe gives me an undivided heartPsalm 86.11
CThe Lord is my good shepherd
AThe Lord God will always shepherd me
BWhen my path leads through deep darkness
CWhen I find myself in the darkest valley
AI fear no harm
BNo danger
CFor you are with me
AI am not afraid
CThough I walk in the midst of trouble
you preserve my life
BYour rod and your staff comfort and direct me
Your trusty shepherd’s crook makes me feel secure
[Psalm 23.4]
AThe Lord is my good shepherd
CThe Lord God will always shepherd me
BYou stretch out your hand against the anger of my foes
CYou prepare a sumptuous meal for me in plain sight of my enemies
AYou moisten my head with fragrant oil
the oil of anointing that makes the heart glad
Cflowing down
Aflowing down like soothing waters
BMy drink is abundant
CMy drink is abundantPsalm 23.5
BThe Lord is my good shepherd
ASurely your goodness and mercy
Byour beauty and steadfast love
Cwill follow me
Bwill pursue me
Awill chase after me
every day of my life
Psalm 23.6a
CAnd I will serve my God day and night in his templeRevelation 7.15
BI will live in God’s house forever
Cmy whole life longPsalm 23.6b
AThe Lord will keep me from all harm
He will watch over my coming and going
  both now and forevermore
Psalm 121.7,8
BThe Lord God will always shepherd me
CPeople of God
ACome, let us bow down in worship
Clet us kneel before the Lord our Maker
BFor he is our God 
and we are the people of his pasture
Athe flock under his carePsalm 95.6,7
CWe will praise you forever
AFrom generation to generation
ABCwe will proclaim your praisePsalm 79.13

Suggested benediction:
Now may the God of peace
who through the blood of the eternal covenant
brought back from the dead our Lord Jesus
that great Shepherd of the sheep
equip you with everything good for doing his will
and may he work in us what is pleasing to him
through Jesus Christ,
to whom be glory for ever and ever
Amen.  Hebrews 13.20