for any time
in Ordinary Time
[ 3 voices ]

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Second Corinthians 5.17-6.2 is one of the great declarations of the new life given in Christ. In this passage, Paul calls believers to accept and embrace the new identity given them in Christ. They have not merely adopted a new philosophy or gained new knowledge or spiritual insight. In the depths of their being their very natures have been changed. And this has not been just the scattered redemption of select individuals, but part of God's over-riding action of restoring all of creation. [In 1 Corinthians 15, Paul speaks of Christ's resurrection as the "first-fruits" of this restoration.] New creatures participating in God's new order.

Paul's exuberant declaration, however, is accompanied by a warning: do not accept this grace and gift of new life in vain. Embrace it. And as new creatures, Paul calls the Corinthians to be God's agents of reconciliation, God's righteousness in the world.

This choral reading was composed to be performed as a "blast" of Scripture intended to ring in the listeners' ears [and hearts]. It takes these seven verses from Paul's second letter to the Corinthians and explodes them with resonance through other parts of Scripture. Interweaving with the Second Corinthians text are references from Genesis, Psalms, Isaiah, Jeremiah, 1 Corinthians, Philippians, Colossians, Ephesians, Hebrews, 2 Timothy, 2 Peter and Revelation. So the pace is meant to be fast and tight, the tone — bright and exuberant. The occasional joyous outburst would not be inappropriate.

Presentation time: 3-1/2 minutes

Click here to download a pdf file of this reading.


The Reading

ASo if anyone is in Christ
Bin Christ
Cin the body of Christ
Bin the truth of Christ
Cin the freedom of Christ
Bin the love, hope and grace of Christ 2 Timothy 2.1
A B Cin Christ
AIf anyone is in Christ
Bthere it is
Blook again
Cthere it is
A— new creation

BLike the first creation
Cwhen God the Spirit hovered over the waters
Bfirst creation
Alight where there was darkness
life where there was chaos
breath into flesh
Genesis 2.7
Bfirst creation
AOnly now
everything old
Cthe old order of things
Ahas passed away
AEverything has become new!
BLook again
AWhat is new has arrived!
CNo need to remember past events
No need to think what was before
Isaiah 43.18
AA new heaven and a new earthRevelation 21.1
Bthe place where righteousness will be at home2 Peter 3.13
CA taste of the time
Bwhen hunger and thirstIsaiah 49.10
 death and mourning and crying and pain
A B Care no moreRevelations 21.4
Bare swallowed up1 Corinthians 15.54
CAll this comes from God
the author and finisher of our faith
Hebrews 12.2
Bthe fountain of lifePsalm 36.9
Cof living watersJeremiah 2.13
Aour refugePsalm 62.8
  our rock and our salvationPsalm 62.2
CAll this comes from God
Ain God
Bin Christ
AAnd so now
Cnow is the day of salvation
Aas new creatures in Christ
Bas reconciled to God through Christ
ANow in Christ Jesus
Bas you who were once far away
have been brought near to God through Christ
Ephesians 2.13
Cwhen he made peaceColossians 1.20
 he himself is our peaceEphesians 2.14
Bbecoming sin who knew no sin
Cby his death on the crossColossians 1.20
AThis is the righteousness of God
Bthe righteousness that is of God
the righteousness that comes from God
Philippians 3.9
CAs new creatures in Christ
Bwe are now ambassadors for Christ
Aappointed and anointed agents
trusted agents
Bcalled in righteousness Isaiah 42.6
Agiven the ministry of reconciliation
Cto be a covenant for the peopleIsaiah 49.8
BAnd so now that we are reconciled
we are called to reconcile
CWe urge you
A B CBe reconciled to God
Bas we work together with him
A B CAccept this grace of God
CNow is the day of salvation
Bas we become
ambassadors for Christ
Astanding firm in Christ 2 Corinthians 1.22
Cas God’s righteousness
as God’s handiwork
Ephesians 2.10
Bmaking God’s appeal through us
CGod’s ambassadors
ANow is the day of salvation

CGod is in you
Bre-creating you in Christ
ANow is the day of salvation
CAll this comes from God

BNew creation
ANew creatures in Christ
A B CAll this comes from God